Milwaukie Academy of the Arts
Application, Lottery, and Enrollment
Public charter schools in Oregon are allowed per House Bill 2954 to implement a weighted lottery to give enrollment preference to historically underserved students. The intent of a weighted lottery is to ameliorate the impact of discrimination against historically underserved students. Answering questions on the application about race and ethnicity is optional; answers will help MAA determine a student's status for the weighted lottery.
The Milwaukie Academy of the Arts will be implementing a weighted lottery for 2023-2024 enrollment. Demographic data demonstrates that MAA has lower rates of enrollment of students from the following historically underserved student categories:
- Race (American Indian/Alaska Native, African American, Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian, Asian, and multi-racial)
- Ethnicity (only Hispanic/Latinx)
- Siblings of currently enrolled MAA students are admitted by completion of application and bypass the lottery.
- Students who reside within North Clackamas School District are admitted by completion of application and bypass the lottery.
- For any remaining openings, out of district applicants will be placed by lottery after all in-district residents have been placed.
- Self-identified, historically underserved applicants based on race and ethnicity will be entered into the lottery three times (3x)
The lottery is drawn on March 18th.
Late applications are not included in the lottery, and are placed at the bottom of the waiting list in order of receipt. MAA shall establish a waiting list of students who will be offered the opportunity to enroll if additional space later becomes available.
All accepted applicants will be notified by the end of the following week by email.
Accepted and enrolled non-district students will forecast for MAA classes in mid-April. MAA shall not permit dual enrollment of any student at both MAA and another public school or non-public school.
The Milwaukie Academy of Arts' weighted lottery process will be conducted as follows:
- Applicants will indicate on their application form if they qualify by self-identifying in the above mentioned categories. Those who do will have their application entered into our lottery 3x as opposed to 1x for students who do not qualify as historically underserved by race/ethnicity. Milwaukie Academy of Arts uses a random number generator to conduct the lottery.
- Demographic data will be collected for administrative purposes as indicated by ORS 338.125. School Administration is responsible for producing reports on the enrollment and demographic information collected.
- The Milwaukie Academy of Arts Board of Directors will asses the weighted lottery process on an annual basis to determine its impact and whether adjustments need to be made to the process.